Happy Halloween. I'd hoped to post a few more mini-reviews of Cemetery Dance's 13 Days of Halloween, but you know what they say about the best laid plans.
And speaking of plans, I thought I'd lay out my plans for the rest of the year. I'm in the middle of David Tallerman's Crown Thief, having passed the halfway point last night. After that it will probably be Black God's War by Moses Siregar III. I've got several Angry Robot eARCs I'd downloaded in the summer before I realized I'd be moving. I'm going to try to get to them, but not before I've read The Dead of Winter by Lee Collins. I've got several anthologies and a Pathfinder novel an agent sent me, plus a handful of other books I've agreed to review. More than enough to keep me busy. I'll be traveling for work in a couple of weeks, just a quick trip to Houston and back, so I should be able to get plenty of reading done on the plane and during my layover in Dallas.
That's on top of the things I've bought just because they're what I want to read, not because someone asked me to. Or to put it another way, I'm not going to be accepting any new books to review until after the first of next year, with one or two exceptions. If I've promised to review your book, I will. I won't guarantee a date the review will go up, but I will get to it as soon as I can.
Also, I've decided not to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. I want to ramp up my own fiction writing, and things are starting to settle into a enough of a routine that I think I can. I doubt I can hit the 50k mark for NaNoWriMo and still meet some other obligations, but I am trying to get some things finished.
The deciding factor for not doing NaNoWriMo was a Seekret Project I've become involved with. I'm not at liberty to discuss it yet, but I can say it will involve a number of other people and be fairly high profile. I'll post an announcement when I get the green light. That should be within the next few weeks.
Anyway, that's how things are shaping up for the rest of the year and probably into next year.
And speaking of plans, I thought I'd lay out my plans for the rest of the year. I'm in the middle of David Tallerman's Crown Thief, having passed the halfway point last night. After that it will probably be Black God's War by Moses Siregar III. I've got several Angry Robot eARCs I'd downloaded in the summer before I realized I'd be moving. I'm going to try to get to them, but not before I've read The Dead of Winter by Lee Collins. I've got several anthologies and a Pathfinder novel an agent sent me, plus a handful of other books I've agreed to review. More than enough to keep me busy. I'll be traveling for work in a couple of weeks, just a quick trip to Houston and back, so I should be able to get plenty of reading done on the plane and during my layover in Dallas.
That's on top of the things I've bought just because they're what I want to read, not because someone asked me to. Or to put it another way, I'm not going to be accepting any new books to review until after the first of next year, with one or two exceptions. If I've promised to review your book, I will. I won't guarantee a date the review will go up, but I will get to it as soon as I can.
Also, I've decided not to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. I want to ramp up my own fiction writing, and things are starting to settle into a enough of a routine that I think I can. I doubt I can hit the 50k mark for NaNoWriMo and still meet some other obligations, but I am trying to get some things finished.
The deciding factor for not doing NaNoWriMo was a Seekret Project I've become involved with. I'm not at liberty to discuss it yet, but I can say it will involve a number of other people and be fairly high profile. I'll post an announcement when I get the green light. That should be within the next few weeks.
Anyway, that's how things are shaping up for the rest of the year and probably into next year.